Cat Tooth Extraction Cost

Veterinarians and cat parents would share that dental problems have been one of the leading causes of medical problems in cats. There is a vast array of medical conditions that affect our cat’s teeth. Without proper dental hygiene, and attention, it could become really out of hand! And mind you, cat tooth extraction cost tend to be high up the stakes.
A cat tooth extraction can cost around $75-$150 per tooth extracted. At the minimum, you would expect to pay $200 - $300 for the initial procedures and approximately $40-$150 for IV fluids. It can become really costly especially if your cat’s condition has become complex.

Common dental problems in cats

6. Periodontal disease 

Is perhaps the most common dental problem in cats. Periodontal disease results from the accumulation of plaque and tartar within the cat's teeth and gums, making your cat prone to infection. The unnecessary buildup of plaque and tartar makes your cat’s gums inflamed and sometimes will even cause your cat’s teeth to fall out.

5. Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORLs) 

Are lesions in cat’s gums, accompanied by redness. This condition can remain undetected while the tooth is already being eaten away. This condition is very much similar to how we perceive and understand cavities in humans.

5. Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis (FCGS)  

A condition wherein your cat’s gums will become awfully inflamed. By that alone, we can deduce that this dental condition can become really painful for your cats. This comes as a result of periodontal disease. Aside from extreme inflammation, ulcerations can also form as the FCGS continue to be left untreated.

3. Broken teeth  

Is a common occurrence among cats especially as they become older. Their teeth become weaker as they continue to age, making it harder for them to bite on certain food. A broken tooth sometimes becomes a gateway for other dental complications and diseases as it is prone to bacterial infection.

2. Malocclusion 

Is a condition where cats will find it difficult to close their mouth. In some cases, cats will not be able to chew their food properly. Teeth and bones that did not grow properly or are malformed often cause malocclusion. This condition has been known to be prevalent among cats that have a flat facial feature like Persian and Siamese cats. 

1. Tooth abscesses 

Abscesses in a cat’s mouth are blister-like packets that are filled with fluid or pus. These are usually found in a cat’s gums. Once an infection develops in the cat’s mouth, white blood cells will come rushing to fight it out, thus the build-up of pus and fluid in the area.

Prevention is better than cure!

See how costly cat extraction can be? It is far costlier than simply spending on your cat’s dental maintenance. Here are some tips on how to keep your cat’s dental hygiene at its best!
  1. Brush your cat’s teeth daily
  2. Keep your cat dehydrated
  3. Give your cat healthy cat food
  4. Regular dental check-ups, cleaning, and maintenance

If the price is right

If you are looking for an exact price, it will be difficult to give you a definite answer. It will, of course, vary from vet to vet, cat to cat, and the level of treatment difficulty for your cat's condition.
Usually, dental surgery costs will already include the necessary procedures and treatments needed for your cat’s condition such as thorough oral examination, x-rays, dental scaling and polishing (full and under anesthesia), gas anesthesia, the necessary medications before and after surgery, extractions, pain relievers, surgical supplies, IV fluids and if overnight stay is required.
Veterinarians share that these surgeries will usually cost you around a $1,000. Again, it depends on the surgery that your cats need. An x-ray alone can become costly. You can check with various veterinarians and clinics for a fair cost of x-rays. 
